Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our official first day in Cebu!

I woke up early as I received a call from aimae that they are already at the airport and they are going straight to Hotel Le Carmen. That is where we are going to stay for the rest of our trip. 

reunited with the others
We got there before lunch. They were all sleeping pa. We had to wait for them to take a bath and dress up. The hotel was nice, way better than the Jasmine pension house.

After that, we went to a bank to withdraw some cash. The security guard is cute and friendly. He is not photogenic though.

 Then we had our lunch at Greenwich Cebu! Ahaha. A van (avansa) will pick us up at 130 pm for a day trip around Cebu. We hired the van for 1500 for 3 hours. We were 6 then. Mami chey, Milan, Jas, Jennico, aimae and I. 

First stop is the Taoist temple.

 We took pictures. The place is very solemn. Cause its a temple, most of the people there are Chinese.

Then, we went to a park with big sculptures of I don't know... Lol!

Then, we went to Magellan's cross.

 Well, we actually spent more time at the souvenir shop near the place. We bought some shirts. Then, we hurried to take picture at the famous cross.

Then we went to Plantation bay. The place is really nice but not the place where I really wanted to stay. It was nice, nice view and everything. It's a resort, but I don't like the pool. It's actually like a man made beach. 

After that we went to Imperial palace. Nothing much special here. It's just a hotel or a resort. An expensive one.

That's it. We just took picture. After that we went back to the hotel. We are tired and starving. We had dinner and went to sleep. Mami chey went back to Manila that night.

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