Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Leaving Cebu...

Well, our vacation is over we have to go back to Manila and go back to work. Well, not for me as I still have my two days rest day!!

We woke up around 5 am to get ready, our flight is 9 am and we have to be at the airport an hour before our flight. I took a bath first, then had my breakfast at the veranda. Coffee and some cup noodles..

Milan is ready na... We're just waiting for theothers...

Then we checked out, before we left, we took pictures in front of the hotel that has been our home for a couple of days...

 Then we took two cabs going to the Mactan Airport. We were early, we had time to buy some snacks... I don't like the Airport here in Mactan. Its old, its hot and it doesn't look good.

 We were about to board... was talking to Milan here about changing seat, gusto ko kasi sa tabi ng window...

Since yung seat namin ay nasa bandang huli, we had to go down and walk. I love this shot...

 And so I wanted so bad to sit next to the window, since the plane is not full, Aimae (the Bestest) was able to find me a seat!

 After an hour or so we landed in Manila... Theres a bus waiting which will take us at the Airport...

 On our way to get out baggage...

 We stayed for a while, na traffic pa yung sundo ko, we had time to have lunch pa... Then, later they'll go back to work while I have my two more days of vacation...

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